This is a 5 segment course designed for those looking to further their spiritual journey in such a way that it has a daily centering influence on their lives. The course is a leadership-focused enterprise with an emphasis on ordering the private world of an individual. The intended result is that the order attained internally, and spiritually will have an outwardly tangible effect on the life of the individual. If the individual begins to live from a God-Centered Place with intentionality and peace the external world cannot help but be effected.

May it be so...

What is the Way

What is the Way
photo credit: Mark Larsen


Hi and Welcome...

Some pointers and tips as you navigate this blog. You have come here seeking to lead your life from a God-Centered Place, or perhaps because you clicked the wrong google link. But regardless if you plan on sticking around this is an overview of how things work here. This blog is interspersed with images and texts for you to read. The purpose of the images are for you to pause and reflect, possibly pray. Perhaps something is stirred in your spirit, or maybe you just think they're pretty. The texts are where the "meat" of the material is located. You will want to spend time reading, digesting, pondering there. The "work" of the course is contained in the texts, your processing and application of them. However, the images are there for you to go back to quite intentionally. Occasionally our brains become overloaded with information and we need time to process what we are learning. The images are there to give your brain that needed break and because quite often God will speak through beauty. If I could take you into nature and have you read and digest on a mountaintop I would but this is my attempt to bring the beauty to you. You will also notice icons being used as images. They are not something commonly used within Western cultures; try to keep an open mind and see if they speak to your spirit.

Thank you so much for reading.


We cannot lead from what we do not know

In the last segment I invited you to begin attuning yourself to the presence of God.  The reason behind doing this is because until you begin to notice and have awareness of how God is interacting in your world on a daily basis you cannot lead your life from a God-Centered place.  We cannot lead from what we do not know.  Many call this attuning or turning to God contemplation.  Contemplation is not an experience that one can scientifically qualify; to define it is to negate almost all of the meaning given by experiencing it.  "Contemplation is not and cannot be a function of this external self" (Merton).  What Merton means by external self is the "thought-life based I", the part of ourselves most easily identified by the world.  This is not the part of us that is active in Contemplation.  This is the part of us that you are attempting to reach beyond by engaging in the practice of contemplation.  All of that tells you what Contemplation is not without giving you any handle one what it is.

"Contemplation is precisely the awareness that this "I" is really "not I" and the awakening of the unknown "I" that is beyond observation and reflection and is incapable of comment upon itself" (Merton).  Hopefully by now you have reached an awareness that there is more to you and your personhood than your thought-life.  Contemplation is the practice that helps us discover what that "more" is.  By engaging in contemplation you are opening yourself up to experiencing a greater depth of self-awareness.  You will not leave this practice with more words you can use to describe who you are or even who God is.  But you will leave it with an a deeper soul knowing of both God and self.  The self that is awakened in contemplation "cannot even say "I" with the assurance and impertinence of the the other one, for its very nature is to be hidden, unnamed, unidentified in the society where men talk about  themselves and one another" (Merton).  Humans walk around confidently identifying their personhood in society.  Merton is telling you that is not what you will attain in contemplation.

Soul knowing is a difficult concept for those who have lived so long in the mind to grasp but consider this.  How do you know that you would do anything for your children?  You have most likely never experienced coming face-to-face with a man with a gun who intended to harm your children.  You have not likely had the opportunity to stand in between them and him and protect your children.  However, you know that you know that you know that if that happened you would not only protect them, but there would be zero hesitation on your part to do so.  That is something you know in your soul.  In a slightly different way the feeling that your childhood home stirs inside of you is not something you can qualify with words, whether it was a good childhood or a terrifying one you can walk around inside that feeling simply by entering the front door.  You know with a deep sense of knowing, far beyond the words you can use to qualify it, where home is and what going inside does to you.  Soul knowing.

Contemplation gives us an experience that invites us to know God and ourselves in such a fashion.  What if you knew that you knew that you knew that God loved you and you were enough for him?
What if you knew that you knew that you knew that you were created exactly as he intended to create you with all your flaws and imperfections and you were as you should be?
What if you knew that you knew that you knew that God wanted a relationship with you and not only found you worthy of his time but he could not wait to spend time with you?

Contemplation invites you into this kind of knowing.  That's all fine, well and good but how does one experience it?  I'm going to give you some steps to begin the practice of contemplation, but then I want you to take some time outside of this place and actually practice.  Please don't return until you have at least attempted contemplation.  Also understand there a variety of ways to practice contemplation, what I am offering you is a sampling of what is out there.  

Begin by finding a quiet space free from distractions where you will not be interrupted.

Spend a few moments journaling or speaking to God about whatever is pressing on your spirit that day (worries, demands, stress).  Speak or write those with the intention of letting them go once they have been named.

Visualize yourself letting go, releasing or setting aside the cares of your day.

Pay attention to your breathing, slow it down and breathe in a comfortable rhythm.  

As you breathe in consider if there is anything God wants to offer you, keeping your mind open and not choosing for him.  As you breathe out push the active thoughts in your brain further away from your consciousness, concentrating instead on openness.  Breathe in and out, inviting God in with each breath, pushing thoughts out with each exhale.  

Attempt to stay in this silent place for as long as you can.  Once you to end this time you can close in an auditory or silent prayer possibly just thanking God for that time.  It is also a good idea to journal any experiences you had in this time for reflection later.

May you be blessed.

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